Groupthink on Climate Change Ignores Inconvenient Facts

Since we’ve now been living with the global warming story for 30 years, it might seem hard to believe that science could now come up with anything that would enable us to see that story in a wholly new light. But that is what I am suggesting in a new paper, thanks to a bookContinueContinue reading “Groupthink on Climate Change Ignores Inconvenient Facts”

Newsflash: Teachers Are Already Armed

The conservative answer to liberal prohibition (oxymoron?) is to “arm and train the teachers.” While no one has come out and suggested mandating teachers carry firearms or be trained in using them, every suggestion seems to suggest “we” (i.e., the government) need to do the arming and training. Here’s a little newsflash for both sides:ContinueContinue reading “Newsflash: Teachers Are Already Armed”